P is for Pass

This morning I woke up and I had this post from Maree waiting in my in box. Yes I agree with Maree we shouldn’t aim for a pass, but then why does it exist?

I have a very high dislike for the University education and I am not afraid to say that, as I believe they have an unrealistic view of life and what is needed by future educators. As I say to people who I meant it doesn’t matter how good you are at the paperwork or the theories behind education, if you CAN NOT control the behaviors and if you CAN NOT get the kids to like and respect you then you CAN NOT teach.

And to be quite honest I am speaking from experience working in childcare for a number of years we had a teacher come in to do the kindergarten program and she was excellent at the paper work and correcting my mistakes in paperwork, but the kids hated her and it was so obvious we had more behavior difficulties that year just because of the teacher.

So no we shouldn’t aim for a pass, but a high distinction in not going to get you anywhere either if you can not do the basics.

Maree says that I am saddened that the expectations can be so low in some university students. Why is that? My expectations of my self are not low, but my expectations of completing this course are which is sad because I am already a great teacher. SO how can we have high expectations when it is hard to see the finish. The reason I am saying this is because next year I have two major pracs therefore I will not be able to work for 45 days of the year. I am rather stressed about this because how exactly am I to survive, I will have no money, I have no financial support, jobs are scarce anyway and my personal beliefs stop me from walking in to centerlink and asking for money. So what is my incentive to finish the course because I am going to be in a worse position than I am already in.

I have a great deal of thinking to do and I have to find an incentive to finish but again it doesn’t matter if I have a P or my certificate or a HD, I still have a piece of paper that tells me I can actually teach.

One comment

  1. courtneytaylored · April 18, 2015

    Amen Liz! The second paragraph especially hit the nail on the head.


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